Kissing Tartu – VR testing

Kissing Tartu reached another step by finalizing the virtual reality (VR) app: the sexual and health education content is ready to be tested. Pupils around 13 years old from a Prague school had the opportunity to test it and benefit from this experience.

The partner organizations of this Erasmus+ project from Estonia, Denmark, the Czech Republic, and Malta developed this app to make people feel a wide range of emotions. The Prague school participating in the test phase borrowed 10 virtual reality headsets from IRR for a week in order to allow the pupils to discover our output.

Previously, the project partners tested the finalized app during a meeting in Malta on September 19-20th. Then they could discuss the last details to fix. 

In the VR environment, the students tried three rooms dedicated to a specific emotion. The first one is called « Falling in love » which makes pupils immersed in a bright and calm atmosphere. In this way, they better integrate the information and advice about the feelings and the behaviors in this kind of situation. 

The second room is more disturbing but as important as the previous part of the app. It is about « Falling out of love » which can be emotionally intense. However, it is primordial to receive an education to make people aware of these unpleasant situations.

Last but not least, the third room is about the « Aftermath » and teaches how to recover after a relationship.  

The feedback from the students was very positive. They appreciated having access to an innovative tool to strengthen both their e-learnings by utilizing VR headsets and their emotional education. They could experience various feelings of uncomfortable situations to learn more about themselves. The VR was very useful in facilitating the sharing of information to really involve them in this experience and deal with more taboo subjects. The discussions between the teacher and the pupils after the test were very enriching and completed the experience.

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