On the 27th of November 2022, the last meeting within STEFAN project was held in Skopje, North Macedonia – destination of the originally planned kick-off meeting. The latter was organized remotely due to Covid19 context.
This meeting, in addition of addressing the finalization of Intellectual Output 2 and 3, as well as the progress of IO4, was the occasion to talk in person about the aspects related to the ending of STEFAN project (Final Report and Multiplier Events).
At the end of the project implementation, there will be a series of multiplier events which should take place in December, and that will disseminate the outputs directly to the target group and other relevant stakeholders.
Each partner will organize one event for at least 30 participants. Those small scale conferences will be organized in each partner country (Czech Republic, Macedonia, Spain, Slovenia, and Hungary) in order to spread the aims, results, and outputs of the project STEFAN.