
Europe Direct Bruntál established very good cooperation with representatives of the local media, not only with the editors of the local press (Our Home – Bruntál, Krnovské listy – Krnov, 5plus2 – Bruntál, Bruntálský Deník – Bruntál), but especially with the regional TV POLAR.

You can see all the reports from 2013 below:

About the FIND YOUR WAY project at Petrin Primary School, Bruntál – 2017

The Europe Direct Information Centre Bruntál in cooperation with JF SHOW AGENCY organised an event called FIND YOUR WAY on 25 May 2017.

The aim of this unique project is to raise awareness of alternative ways of spending leisure time among primary school pupils. The main aim is to prevent and try to reduce the so called “netism” (the addiction to virtual drugs), which has recently become a European problem.

The event took place from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm at the Petrin Primary School. Students could try specific activities such as: U-ramp, action sports, knowledge and creative competitions, dancing and much more. All under the supervision of experienced teachers.

The Bruntál Leisure Time Centre and the dance group JUST US actively participated in the project. The whole project was attended by about 200 pupils of Petrin Primary School.

Link to the report of 25 May 2017 on the website here.

Europe Direct Bruntál – FIND YOUR WAY, at Petrin Primary School


About the FIND YOUR WAY project at Petrin Primary School, Bruntál – 2016

The Europe Direct Bruntál Information Centre in cooperation with JF SHOW AGENCY organised an event called FIND YOUR WAY on 17 May 2016.

The aim of this unique project is to raise awareness among primary school pupils about alternative ways of spending their free time. The main aim is to prevent and reduce the so called “netism” (the addiction to virtual drugs), which has recently become a European problem.

The event took place from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm at the Petrin Primary School. Students could try specific activities such as: U-ramp, action sports, knowledge and creative competitions, music therapy, obstacle course, slalom, stilt walking, petanque, archery, scooter riding, blind knights game and many more. All under the supervision of experienced trainers.

Europe Direct Olomouc, the Bruntál Leisure Centre and Open House Bruntál actively participated in the project. The whole project was attended by about 300 pupils from Petrin Primary School.

Link to the report of 19 May 2016 on the website here.

Europe Direct Bruntál – FIND YOUR WAY, at Petrin Primary School


About the activities of Europe Direct Bruntál and the implemented EDS

From November 2014 to September 2015, the Europe Direct Bruntál Centre was the home of the volunteer service sl. Natalia Piaszczyk from Poland (within the Erasmus+ mobility project, European Voluntary Service). Many interesting events took place in the centre during the ten months, which are mentioned in the report. If you are interested in our services and activities, please keep an eye on our calendar of events or subscribe to the European Newsletter (the monthly newsletter of the network) for all the latest news.

Link to the report of 1 September 2015 on here.

Europe Direct Bruntál – about us and the EDS

Europe Direct for preschoolers in the Bruntál region

The Europe Direct Bruntál Information Centre organised a series of lectures for kindergarten children in the Bruntál district. The first event took place on 16 February 2015 in the premises of Hošťálkovy Kindergarten, the second on 11 March 2015 in the premises of the Smart Activities Centre in Vrbno pod Pradědem for children from Vrbno Kindergarten (in Svah), and the third for children from Vrbno Kindergarten (also in the premises of STŘECHY). The third and last lecture was the subject of a TV POLAR report.

The common content of the events was:

Getting acquainted with our mascot star;
Putting together the giant puzzles of Europe;
Games and competitions on European themes, etc.

Link to the report of 26 March 2015 on here.

Europe Direct for pre-school children in the Bruntál region


Free Europe Direct language courses in Bruntál

The Europe Direct Bruntál Information Centre organised free language courses in Polish and English for the general public in the Bruntál and Opava districts.

The courses took place every Monday in the premises of the Roof in Vrbno pod Pradědem (from 16 March to 8 June 2015) and every Tuesday and Thursday in the premises of Europe Direct Bruntál (from 3 February to 18 June 2015). The lecturer was Mgr. Natalia Piaszczyk from Poland, EVS volunteer of Europe Direct Bruntál.

Link to the report of 22 January 2015 on the website here.

Free Europe Direct language courses in Bruntál

A seminar on cyberbullying was held in Bruntál

On 20 October 2014, the Europe Direct Bruntál Information Centre organised a seminar on cyberbullying. Participants of the seminar received information on how to protect themselves and their loved ones in the context of ICT (information communication technologies), in particular mobile phones and the Internet.

Link to the report of 3 November 2014 on the website here.

A seminar on cyberbullying was held in Bruntál


10 years in the EU – expert discussion in Bruntál

On 5 May 2014, the Europe Direct Bruntál Information Centre organised an expert debate on the topic: How has membership in the European Union affected our lives?

The content of the discussion was mainly a talk about how the EU funds have helped the Bruntál and Opava districts or the whole Moravian-Silesian region. As well as a reminder of the benefits of Czech EU membership for citizens (travel, study, internships, etc.).

Our guests were PhDr. Ivo Šebestík, former President of the Permanent Representation of the Moravian-Silesian Region to the European Institutions in Brussels and Mrs. Ing. Zdena Zlámalová, Project Manager of the City of Bruntál.

Link to the report of 19 May 2014 on the website here.

10 years in the EU – expert discussion in Bruntál


Seminar by dTest helped Bruntál seniors

On 21 November 2013, the Europe Direct Bruntál Centre held a seminar on the protection of seniors during demonstrations and door-to-door sales.

The seminar was the result of cooperation between Europe Direct Bruntál, the Representation of the European Commission in the Czech Republic, dTest, the Czech Trade Inspection Authority (Inspectorate of the Moravian-Silesian and Olomouc Regions) and Eurocentre Ostrava.

Link to the report of 28 November 2013 on here.

dTest seminar helped Bruntál seniors

New Europe Direct centre opened in Bruntál

On 12 July 2013 we inaugurated the information centre of the Europe Direct network. Citizens from the western part of the Moravian-Silesian Region also have direct access to information, advice and mediation services concerning the European Union.

The ribbon-cutting ceremony was attended by the Member of the European Parliament Ing. Vojtěch Mynář, Mayor of Bruntál Ing. Petr Rys, MBA and the economic advisor of the Representation of the European Commission Ing. Zdeněk Čech, Ph.D. M.A.

Link to the report of 18 August 2013 on the website here.

A new Europe Direct Centre opened in Bruntál