
Education is one of the key thematic priorities of the Institute for Regional Development, o.p.s. We actively support the concept of lifelong learning, which includes both formal school education and lifelong learning programmes.

We give special priority and attention to tertiary education, science and research.

The specialists of the Institute for Regional Development, o.p.s. have experience in this area, especially with the following programmes:

The European Social Fund – Human Resources and Employment Operational Programme is aimed at supporting active employment policy, vocational training, inclusion of socially excluded people back into society, as well as supporting the improvement of the quality of public administration and establishing international cooperation in the above-mentioned areas.

European Social Fund – Operational Programme Prague Adaptability whose main objective is to strengthen the performance of human resources, improve access to employment and combat social exclusion, all within the territory of the capital city of Prague.

European Social Fund – Operational Programme Education for Competitiveness focuses on the development of education in all areas, with an emphasis on the promotion of lifelong learning.

The European Regional Development Fund – Operational Programme Research and Development for Innovation is aimed at supporting the building of infrastructure for science, research and development.

In addition, the Institute’s experts have participated in the evaluation and implementation of Lifelong Learning Programme projects, namely Leonardo da Vinci, Erasmus, Comenius, Grundtvig, Jean Monnet, and projects and programmes under the EEA/Norway Financial Mechanisms and the Swiss-Czech Cooperation Programme.