Principles and functioning of EaSI

EaSI in the EU context

The Employment and Social Innovation component of the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) (EaSI) has a budget of approximately €762 million. As part of ESF+, it is guided by the same policy objectives as ESF+, with the European Pillar of Social Rights as the main framework.

EaSI will focus on the following key policy priorities:

1) employment and skills,

2) labour markets and labour mobility,

3) social protection and active inclusion, and

4) working conditions

The EaSI is to support analytical activities (surveys, studies, statistics, methodologies, classifications, micro-simulations, indicators, support to monitoring and benchmarking centres at European level) to support evidence-based policy making in the field of employment and social policy.

To address labour market failures and develop an integrated EU labour market, it funds cross-border partnerships and services in cross-border regions, as well as targeted labour mobility programmes across the EU to fill vacancies where labour market ‘imbalances’ have been identified.

EaSI management

Unlike the other parts of the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+), most of the Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI) part is managed by the European Commission services. This direct management means that the European Commission launches calls for proposals for the award of grants to projects and also calls for tenders for the award of service and/or supply contracts. The Commission may also award prizes. International organisations implement a small part of the programme under the indirect procedure.

Following consultation with individual EU Member States and all stakeholders, the activities are described in annual work programmes.

How to get a grant

Grants are intended for projects and organisations that act in line with the interests of the EU and help deliver its programmes. Funding is awarded following a call for proposals visible on the Funding and Tender Portal.

Procurement is used by the Commission to purchase services and supplies necessary for the implementation of the programme, including mostly intellectual services (statistical or audit reports, consultancy work, communication materials, translations, etc.).

Who can apply

Tenders are awarded under the World Trade Organization’s procurement rules. Access is open to all entities established in Member States and third countries covered by an international or bilateral agreement.

As regards grants, participation in EaSI calls for proposals is open to persons and organisations from the following countries:

– EU Member States (and their overseas countries and territories);

– EEA countries in accordance with the EEA Agreement;

– EU accession countries, candidate countries and potential candidates in accordance with the framework agreements concluded with them;

– third countries that have signed an agreement to participate in the component, or third countries listed in the EaSI work programme, where necessary to achieve the objectives of the action. However, in the latter case, organisations established in such a non-EU country should in principle bear the costs of their participation.

Finally, the EaSI component is also open to any legal entity established under Union law or any international organisation.