WP2 – Handbook 4 Adults Educators

The EU-funded project IDEAL is in progress to reach its goal of helping deaf people increase their health literacy. This purpose is crucial to allow them to have a better understanding of the potential health issues, how to prevent them, and how to find relevant assistance. 

The second part of the IDEAL project is called “Handbook 4 Adults Educators”. It aims to organize a training session to provide educators relevant tools to help them transmit their knowledge to hard-of-hearing people through the following activities.

A2.1- Field investigation on existing best practices 

A survey has been conducted in each of the project partners’ countries: Italy, Slovakia, Spain, Hungary, and Czechia. Educators used to work with hard-of-hearing persons have been interviewed to gather information about the current situation of deaf people. Each of these specialists answered precise questions in order to allow the organizations leading the project to concretely understand their needs. For instance, the educators’ analysis has been useful to estimate their level of health literacy and their difficulties in communicating in the healthcare system. 

A2.2- Handbook 4 educators 

In the second step, the project partners used the answers provided by the educators to edit a handbook. Each chapter of this material will be dedicated to a specific area and will target a problem faced by the educators. The main purpose of this activity is to create relevant educational material to offer innovative methodologies and information for educators working with deaf people. In this document, partners found teaching content to prepare learning units, motivate the learners, efficiently increase their knowledge, and precisely address their needs. In this way, the task of the educators working with hard-of-hearing has been facilitated which helped them to increase their health literacy. 

A2.3- Training 4 educators 

The activities of the Work Package are not only theoretical but also practical. Indeed, a training session has been organized to allow a group of 15 educators coming from all the project partners’ countries to meet in Brno, Czech Republic from the 14th to the 16th of May. It represented the opportunity to test the educational material prepared by the project organizations and to provide their feedback. It was also the occasion to create a feeling of European unity among the participants.

A2.4- Handbook final version and translation

The Handbook will be revised following the recommendations received from the educators’ training. This feedback is crucial to precisely target their needs and offer them relevant methodologies.