Basic information about EaSI NCP CZ

The main objective of the EaSI NCP CZ is to inform about the EaSI branch, its possibilities, application requirements, projects and results, to assist actors in the Czech Republic and other Member States and countries participating in the European Social Fund+. The mission of the EaSI NCP CZ is, among others: to attract more numerous and high-quality applications for EaSI funding; to facilitate the strengthening of local partnerships; to assist in the replication and scaling-up of high-potential projects; to support the effective dissemination of information.

Mission of the EaSI National Contact Point for the Czech Republic:

1. Establishment and operation of the assistance service;
2. Organisation of thematic events to provide information and skills;
3. Participation in thematic events to disseminate information on EaSI;
4. Visits to EaSI projects to exchange best practices;
5. Translation of EaSI relevant materials into English;
6. Secondment of Czech staff to shadow posts in the EaS National Contact Points;
7. Recruitment of European NCP staff to shadow EaSI NCP CZ posts.

Close ties are also maintained with the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (MPSV ČR) and a relatively large advisory board consisting of:
– President of the Association of Social Service Providers of the Czech Republic
– President of the Association of Citizens’ Advice Centres
– Roma Coordinator of the City of Prague, ROM Prague expert
– Probation and Mediation Service of the Czech Republic
– President of the Family Policy Section of the Association of Social Service Providers and      Director of Social Services Prague 11
– Expert on innovative projects, Central Bohemia Regional Office
– Representative of Erudicio Foundation
– Social Innovation Project Manager, Department of Social Services, Vysočina Regional Office
– Business Creation Manager, European Innovation and Technology Hub EIT

Work Programme 2022

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