SUITES-LOGO-180X180     Lifelong Learning Programme     Leonardo Da Vinci 

Start Up In Tourism: European Support

The main objective of the project is to identify and support the development of new business opportunities in the field of regional tourism.

The project “Start Up In Tourism. European Support” with acronym “SUITES” was approved within the Lifelong Learning Programme, Leonardo Da Vinci sub-programme.

Project implementation start date: 01.08.2012
Project implementation end date: 31.07.2014

Specific Issues
The project SUITES addresses two specific issues, recognized as a common need by the proposed partnership:

Concerning tourist sector, a gap between entrepreneurial ideas and effective application in the labour market, with an innovative and market-oriented approach;
A need of a structured and qualified training approach to the accompanying to the start-up of new businesses and a wider diffusion throughout training sector.

Strengthening the link between vocational educational and training and the labour market, especially targeting tourist sector;
Supporting integration or re-integration of young people in the labour market, stimulating an effective and qualified self-entrepreneurship;
Increasing mobility and multilateral cooperation among public and private training institutions and labour-market organizations and SME;
Increasing mobility and networking among people trained about self-entrepreneurship and new start-ups in tourist sector;
Developing a common European methodology to support and accompany the start-up of new businesses, specifically targeted on tourist sector needs;
Upgrading the degree of professionalism, qualification and innovation based on the needs of tourist sector, with regards to 2.0 technologies and environmental sustainability.

Activities & Approach
Moving from the existing partners developed experience to elaborate a common training approach to the accompany of start-ups, through an analytical and comparative method (international and local meetings);
Put in network knowledge and skills of training and labour market organisations to elaborate a common “format” to be diffused and transferable at a European level, through working meetings among project partners and the involvement of relevant silent partners;
Testing the model, involving young start-uppers and encouraging their mobility to promote a European network of innovative start- ups to exchange know-how and ideas about enterpreurship in tourism;
Increasing the wider sharing and exchanging of competences, organising meetings and mobilities of partners staff and trainees in at least 6 different involved countries.

Improvement and spreading of a training approach to the support of start-up businesses;
Developing of a first European transferable format and tools for start-ups in tourism;
Creation of a multilateral supporting public and private network to accompany entrepreneurship;
Stimulating innovation in new tourist enterprises, focusing on 2.0 technologies and sustainability;
Encouraging exchange and networking among new innovative enterprises at a European level.

More information you can find on this website:

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