MOMentum Project Results 3 – Entrepreneurship education toolkit


MOMentum Project Result 3 consists in the creation of an Entrepreneurship Education Toolkit.

Main objectives of this activity is to enable the development of an entrepreneurial mindset while strengthening soft skills of leadership. The promotion and inclusion of mothers in entrepreneurship will be enabled by providing mothers practical instruction in opportunity recognition, commercializing a concept, managing resources, communicating, and initiating a business venture.

In concrete terms, what emerged from this activity is on one hand the production of an overview of today’s situation of mothers in Entrepreneurship in partner countries and Europe, and of Entrepreneurship and leadership education through a selection of existing education resources. Consequently, the activity bases its content on the Gamified Role-model Education Methodology (PR1) including detailed analysis of the current state of entrepreneurship education for women in partner countries (Czech Republic, Cyprus, Greece, Estonia and Italy).

In reality, despite the fact that many policies were undertaken at different levels and the existence of many organizations and programmes promoting entrepreneurship, women are still facing several difficulties in accessing leadership positions or to return to work after maternity leaves.

On the other hand, the various partners process the development of various Entrepreneurship and Leadership Educational Activities and Development of material addressing to challenges that mothers face.

  • Activity 1 : Realization of a Business analysis through a Business model canvas.
  • Activity 2 : Ensuring profit and secure investment through Business Planning.
  • Activity 3 : The 5 euro Challenge : « What would you do with 5 euro and 2 hours? » where participants learned how to do a SWOT analysis for the identification of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.
  • Activity 4 : Learning how to commercialize a concept through a kick-starter activity
  • Activity 5 : Leadership skills assessment following the Baby steps theory
  • Activity 6 : Evaluation of human resources
  • Activity 7 : Self and Peer Assessment and monitoring
  • Activity 8 : Understand your customer through Customer Personas Creation
  • Activity 9 : “The Power of an Entrepreneurial Mindset”  – The entrepreneurial mindset spectrum

Finally, the participants proceeded to a questionnaire used as an assessment tool for the recognition of skills of mothers, their qualifications and possible role in a start-up, innovative social entrepreneurship.

To conclude, partners observed that some organizations concerned with the topic of business and entrepreneurship opted for creating female or mother-oriented clubs within their structures, which allows for addressing specific issues while maintaining the benefits of a larger network. Women issues are now addressed on various scales from the national to local level supporting them through educational projects