Kissing Tartu May Conference

The International Conference of the Erasmus+ project « Kissing Tartu » will soon take place at the National Museum of Tartu, Estonia from the 16th to the 19th of May 2024. The place is perfect to host this conference called « First Kiss », Tartu is the European Capital of Culture 2024 and always had a strong culture of « kissing ». The conference is a part of the Hybrid European Opinion Festival. 

The conference aims to offer students from the 6th to the 12th grade the opportunity to discover this culture and also learn more about sexual and health education. This subject is often taboo but it is still important to have basic knowledge of these fields to be aware of the risks and also to prevent undesired behaviors. A time for debate is also planned to share a stimulating discussion about this crucial topic for young people’s development. 

Speakers will come to talk about the various aspects of this subject. Merilin Mandel will speak about the growth of a person while Katriin Kütt-Oad and Margit Kagadze will be more focused on health and sexual education. 

Then, the audience could experiment with more practical activities like a virtual reality experience to learn more about emotions and an e-quiz freely available online. Two workshops are also planned about orgasm and sexual health and the second about the impact of the internet on health education. The conference will end with an overview of the challenges in this field in Malta, Estonia, and the Czech Republic. 

On the 18th and the 19th, the audience will enjoy the other events of the Festival like the different debate sessions about global issues.

For more information, please follow the organizers on their social media platforms and their websites.

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