Author Archives: Lucie Musialová

Newsletter YOU ARE WELCOME 12/2017

As part of the project with name YOU ARE WELCOME we doing the online information campaign whose aim is not only to inform about the project, but also to inform about migration, integration and refugee crisis. The first newsletter’s topic … Continue reading

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Second meeting in the project YOU ARE WELCOME

The 2nd transnational event of the You are Welcome project took place in Thessaloniki, Greece from 24-27 November 2017. Representatives of the partner organisations from the Czech Republic (Institut pro regionaini rozvoj, o.p.s.), Denmark (othernessproject), Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia … Continue reading

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Newsletter YOU ARE WELCOME 11/2017

As part of the project with name YOU ARE WELCOME we doing the online information campaign whose aim is not only to inform about the project, but also to inform about migration, integration and refugee crisis. The first newsletter’s topic … Continue reading

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Seminar YOU ARE WELCOME and screening of the film “The Crossing”

       On Friday, 20 October 2017, the Institut pro regionální rozvoj, o.p.s. organized the seminar on Migration, Integration and Refugees. The content of the event was the presentation of the project YOU ARE WELCOME, presentation on migration, integration and refugees … Continue reading

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Newsletter YOU ARE WELCOME 10/2017

As part of the project with name YOU ARE WELCOME we doing the online information campaign whose aim is not only to inform about the project, but also to inform about migration, integration and refugee crisis. The first newsletter number … Continue reading

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Invitation to the seminar YOU ARE WELCOME

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Join us on facebook! YOU ARE WELCOME

Institut pro regionální rozvoj, o.p.s. is participating in the project called YOU ARE WELCOME. YOU ARE WELCOME is a collaborative project of 13 partner organisations which endeavours to connect new arrivals, third country nationals residing in the countries involved in this project … Continue reading

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Kick-off meeting in the project YOU ARE WELCOME

YOU ARE WELCOME: European Network for Integration of Refugees at Local Level and Combating Hate Speech Institute for Regional Development, o.p.s. is involved in a project called YOU ARE WELCOME, which is funded by the Europe for Citizens program. The project … Continue reading

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Trainers’ Pack for Youth Workers in Europe (THEY.EA)

As we all know, job searching can be a stressful process, but there is a lot you can learn along the way. This Trainers’ Pack for Youth Workers in Europe is intended to provide theoretical support and useful tips and tricks for youth … Continue reading

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Final meeting and conference in the project THEY.EA

       A final meeting within the THEY.EA project – Towards Higher Employability of Youth European Approach was held in Prague with the partner organisations from the Czech Republic, Italy, Spain, Poland and Bulgaria. The host organisation during  28. – … Continue reading

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