
MOMentum. Helping mothers gain MOMentum in entrepreneurship


Despite living in a rapidly digitalizing society, within a dynamic economy, and greatly integrated European society, not everyone moves at the same pace. Mothers, especially young women with unfavorable socioeconomic conditions, have multiple obstacles on their journey to financial stability.

The organisations carrying out MOMentum strongly believe that mothers should be encouraged and adequately assisted to develop their entrepreneurial mindsets and skills. Equipping these mothers with the tools to explore more financial possibilities can empower these women to be more independent.  At the same time, stronger, financially stable women can help European societies become more inclusive, equitable, and progressive.


Meet the members of MOMentum partnership!

Join the Institute for Regional Development and its European partner organisations on this two-year journey of helping mothers gain MOMentum in entrepreneurship!

The project is coordinated by the Institute for Regional Development IRR, Czech Republic, with the support of:


MOMentum vission and mission

MOMentum has the following objectives:

1. promote entrepreneurship education and social entrepreneurship for mothers, especially the disadvantaged ones
2. inspire mothers through role-model education to take the risk of founding their own enterprise
3. fight stereotypes against women who want to work again after their childbirth, who are migrant, who are single or with social needs
4. bring out the importance of working and innovating for the mother’s psychological, emotional, cultural, and social balance
5. motivate and help the mothers, especially the disadvantaged ones, to create their own work in the new economy
6. enhance acquisition of key skills and competences to mothers
7. strengthen the skills and competences of trainers/educators/relevant professionals regarding mumpreneurship
8. promote economic, social, and gender equality.


What we will deliver

The project will create and deploy the following Project Results PR:

PR1. Gamified role-model education methodology

PR2. Role model education toolkit

PR3. Entrepreneurship education toolkit

PR4. MOMentum- Gamified educational application

MOMentum Learning training activity.

Newsletter 1

Newsletter 2

Project results 1

Project Results 3

Gain MOMentum with us!


Mother entrepreneur

Photo credits: Ergonofis, Unsplash