10 priorities for Europe 2016

On 27 October 2015, the European Commission adopted its Work Programme for 2016. This, the second programme of the Juncker Commission, confirms its commitment to deliver on the ten political priorities it has set out in its political guidelines.

The preparation of the Work Programme started with President Juncker’s State of the Union address to the European Parliament on 9 September 2015 and the Statement of Intent sent by President Juncker and First Vice-President Timmermans to the European Parliament and the Council on the same day. The Work Programme follows a constructive dialogue with the European Parliament and the Council. It calls on the European Parliament and the Council to help deliver results quickly and efficiently in key policy areas.

Each year, the European Commission adopts and publishes its Work Programme. It sets out a list of policy priorities on which it will take concrete action in the coming year. For 2016, the plan includes a total of 23 key actions, organised into 10 key priority areas, the so-called Ten Priorities for Europe, 20 pending proposals that will be either repealed or amended, and 40 REFIT actions aimed at reviewing the quality of existing EU legislation.

These 10 priorities are:

  1. Jobs, growth, investment
  2. Digital Single Market
  3. Energy Union and Climate Action
  4. Internal Market
  5. Economic and Monetary Union
  6. Free trade between the EU and the US
  7. Justice and fundamental rights
  8. Migration
  9. The EU on the international stage
  10. Democratic change

New Commission initiatives in 2016 include:

  • Initiatives for better migration management and proposals on border management,
  • implementation of the Digital Single Market, follow-up to the Single Market Strategy, the Space Strategy for Europe and the European Defence Action Plan,
  • the circular economy, next steps for a sustainable European future and legislation to implement the Energy Union,
  • an agenda for new skills for Europe, an agenda for working parents and a social rights pillar as part of deepening economic and monetary union,
  • the corporate tax package and the VAT Action Plan.

Information summarising the ten priorities set out by Jean-Claude Juncker can be found in this publication:


This publication is part of the “European Union Policies” series, which presents the EU’s activities in different areas, the reasons for its actions and their results. The publication is available from the EU Bookshop, the official bookstore of the EU.

The latest developments in the implementation of the 10 priorities can be found on EurActiv.cz.